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For years, Arina sought her path until a fateful event in 2014 changed her life forever – the awakening of her Kundalini energy. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

Arina embarked on a quest for truth in everything that surrounded her. Self-discovery and understanding the universe became her priorities. She set out on a global journey in search of the best mentors and teachers in various spiritual practices.

Wise mentors revealed new knowledge and methods of spiritual development to Arina. Each of them made a significant and valuable contribution to her growth. Their teachings formed a magical mosaic, shaping the New Arina. She absorbed sacred knowledge and crafted her unique style of working with energy. With each passing day, her inner light grew brighter and stronger.

One day, the vessel of knowledge was filled to the brim, revealing to Arina the true tapestry of the universe. She delved deep into many mysteries and learned to see more even in ordinary things.

Now, Arina shares this inner light with others. She deeply believes that every person can find their inner light by genuinely aspiring to do so. Her students call her by various names – a magician, a mother, and even a goddess. But in reality, all her magic resides in her heart. Arina accepts and nurtures those in need of support and care, those yearning for human warmth.

Arina’s journey, though not without challenges, becomes an inspiration for some and a source of restored faith in goodness for others. This, she considers her greatest reward.

Arina continues her work and finds joy in sharing her experience with others, helping them discover their life’s purpose. Her energy shines brightly and unwaveringly, like a star in the night sky, reminding people that there is always a way to find light within, even in the darkest of times.

Castillo Del Sol

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